Every month we have a charity of the month and participate in events, provide a 'fill the box' donation site or help in any way we can. We thank you all for participating with us. Below is a current list of the charities we support.
We strongly believe in giving back to our local Amarillo Area charities and strive to work with those that have special meaning to us.

Lone Star Santas is a 501c3 non-profit organization of men and women who live in or work in and around Texas, and portray Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Elves and Helpers. Additionally we also do important disaster relief year-round.

Martha’s Home offers more than just a hand out, we give a hand up. We offer case management, referral services, life necessities, and housing assistance. We encourage women to empower themselves, both emotionally and physically, realizing their unique potential. The women at Martha’s Home are diligently working to further their education, secure full-time employment, and gain personal living skills to become productive members of our community.

The Moses Closet is a 501c3 non-profit organization that exists to provide tangible items needed by children and families in the foster, adoptive and kinship community.

The Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center is a comprehensive, child-focused program that offers a highly effective, one-stop approach to child abuse investigations. The agency allows law enforcement, child protection professionals, prosecutors, and the mental health communities to work together to assist victims of child abuse and sexual assault in a cohesive manner.

We support those who have aged out of foster care. While in our program, these young adults will work towards a successful transition from foster care to independent living. They will be partnered with Mentors and Case Managers to assist them towards the goals they will set for themselves.

Gracies Project is a 501C3 non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating animals in the Texas Panhandle who would otherwise be at high risk of euthanasia.

Our mission is to create a housing first philosophy based solution to end literal homelessness for our area Veterans. JOIN FORCES WITH US TO ENSURE EVERY VETERAN HAS A HOME.

Astro Motel Housing Project